Everything seems to be working at present from my end, although I understand there are still live streaming problems. I’ve contacted Scott about this. In the box, all is going smoothly and I’m hoping to have some hatching by 25-28th September, which I can record if all the necessary equipment is functioning smoothly. Xavier did bring in some (unidentifiable) prey today, which is a good sign.
Many thanks for all the photos and videos. No need to send more photos at present, but long low resolution videos from between 1300 h on 18th September to noon on 21st would be welcome so I can fill in some gaps. If there is a website where these are stored, please point me in the right direction. Don’t try and email them.
I just went through the volunteer’s work from the time I was in Brisbane and found this photo of Xavier with the eggs that I couldn’t resist. Such a good boy.

There’s going to be a university wide power outage tomorrow morning, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the system is down all weekend. Hopefully it will be up again before H day (possibly Monday).
Have a lovely weekend. Cilla
Yup I seem to be out on both cameras. Hope they are back by H Day .. I am on holidays for once when they are due .. and this year I got 100Gb of data (as opposed to 10 .. so I’m ready lol)
I have a feed now … is it a lower res one? Guess at least it can be seen!
Nooo … I tried looking on the ledge camera and that didn’t work .. now I can’t get the nest camera again. I did notice that when it started it started at 29mins .. not sure that means anything but it was different to the usual thing. It did show 4.33pm as the time and correct date. Someone was sitting on the eggs in the corner.
I have both cams running in browsers refreshing every 10 minutes, recording 24/7 – not a lot of life, sad to see. How unlucky, especially just before hatching time.
Latish last evening the streams did come thru for a while, I extracted this from just after 22:30hr.
“Something alerts Diamond, then gusty, then long, leisurely egg roll”
3m09s VIDEO = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJZ3UIlKM9I
(Fingers crossed I’m still white-listed for links. Otherwise, put BJZ3UIlKM9I in the YouTube search box to find it. Not that it’s exactly action-packed 😉 )
Wishing good luck to Scott and Cilla with the cams.
24 Sept.
Both cams recovered here in the UK, a bit after 19:30hr local time.
Very nice, but it _would_ be at a time when we can look forward to several hours of inactivity 😉 I’m willing the streams to keep going for Xav’s arrival in the morning.
Around 5.14am X arrives but D doesn’t want to leave clutch
X is gone again
To repeat what I said on RSPB UK, my 15-minute refreshes kicked in on both cams at precisely the wrong time! But I don’t think I’d have got anything without them.
“Fiasco, trying to capture the first morning changeover”.
4m43s video = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGpuSy5DNvw
06:48hr (ish) Diamond visited the ledge but the ledge cam was frozen so I don’t know what happened.
1m25s VIDEO = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMz0LvmqiOk
Diamond seems to be napping while Xavier is busy manning the ledge.
1.08pm X’s arrived empty handed and D’s not impressed. He skulks on the ledge for a short time before taking off again at 1.10pm
From about 1.27pm D starts getting very fussy with the eggs.
X is back and I don’t think D is letting him take over even though she must be hungry. Not seen any food in any of my views and she’s been picking at the pebbles for a while now.
“Xavier chills on ledge, then mid-morning changeover”
2m24s VIDEO = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOpj1pL22xk