With Vim still sitting up in the box, I started driving down to where I last saw Rubi and half way there I spotted her (or Mell, I’m not going to try and tell them apart) on a fence post.

As I watched, she took off and flew around the woods and into a tall pine. I left the car and found her in the pines, but my photos are poor. Then she took off again and flew back to the main wood.
Not much of a photo either, but evidence of good flight.
So I walked through the wood and found a female juvenile half-way up a eucalypt on a branch. I suspected Mell as I thought Rubi had flown further towards the box.
So I got myself into a spot where I could see both Mell and Vim and waited. About half an hour later, I heard a third juvenile calling and finally found Rubi again, even higher in a tree.

So at one time I could see four peregrines in one sweeping glance. Only one missing was Xavier, presumably chasing those pesky galahs. Hopefully I’ll see a feed another time.
Thanks, Cilla, these are wonderful news! And pictures of course 🙂
Thanks Cilla
Thanks for the update, Cilla. Great to know the youngsters are all fine. What a wonderful thing to be able to see on a walk! Imagine that – four peregrines within view at one time. I’m very envious (although a couple of dozen scarlet honeyeaters in the callistemon outside my loungeroom window were pretty special too). Thanks heaps for saving us from endless speculation! 🙂
Thanks, Cilla! Great update 🙂
Vim doing morning exercises, youtu.be/vaqh0Xl1T1U
23 nov 6:29 Vim on the ledge, youtu.be/nthfL9eYwCk
After a hearty breakfast (thanks Mum!) hopefully he will have the “Oomph” to fly again!
8:33 Diamond with prey , youtu.be/TXeJLnGV3QY
Thank you for the update. I’m so glad to know that all three are well.
And beautiful pictures!! I wish I could be there…
1:17 Vim is eating in the nest box.
I don’t know where you all live, but there’s nothing to stop you (apart from distance) making a visit to lovely Orange. We have plenty of spare beds and love having visitors. Just don’t forget to pack a hard hat in case Diamond gets bolshy!
It’s raining very gently in Orange – must be a surprise for the two girls who are out in the weather. ‘What’s this wet stuff, Mum?” Vim still cosy in the box, and still being fed.