Our three little ‘uns have now all fledged successfully and they chose the best sunny and warm weather to take flight. A set of fledging videos and a few others are included here from the internal surveillance server from this morning (all times AEST), HD with sound:
Rubi’s balancing act pays off, even without the intention, by the looks of it, 16th Nov at about 11.08am
Vim’s somewhat more streamlined fledging, 17th Nov at about 6.14am
Mell’s overdue fledge with some pitch and yaw issues, 18th Nov at about 2.10pm
Male Xavier and female chick Mell spending some nagging time together, 18th Nov at about 4.57am
Early but sunny morning preening for the three toddlers, 16th Nov
The three young chicks together one sunny morning, for a last time together before Rubi took flight, 16th Nov
Boredom takes over for the three peregrine falcon chicks early one morning, 16th Nov
One fledgling and Diamond were spotted amongst the trees today, chick very quiet and mother very raucous and protective towards the careful human intrusion into the area, but all’s well.

Many thanks Scott – nice to have all the fledging videos in the one spot. I hope Vim has come down from the top of the tower 🙂
Many of us have come to love your falcons!
They are Bula’s legacy – he’d be proud.
Did anyone see my writing – Ode to Bula
19:15 Xavier & Diamond, youtu.be/HUnaR4cEPNA
I got the cam today.
Diamond was perched there all nite.
I SO WISH I could get sound –
I imagine I could hear the juvies from below
5:28 Diamond leaves, youtu.be/WRiVfrlA2pU
This morning I saw one of the parents fly off in the exact same flight pattern Mell took.
I was glad to see that. Hope soon all 3 kids will collect in one spot.
9:33 Xavier in the box, youtu.be/n6a0PQxHsdQ