On the weekend, a friend and I had a good look around the campus for newly fledged young.
The female that I placed in the tree (which I think is Mell) was still there, having moved a little along the branch.

And after much searching, we eventually found Vim high up in a very tall eucalpt (a viminalis, no less) deep in the foliage.

He looks a lot darker, almost hobby-like, but it might be a trick of the light as I didn’t notice anything while in the box.
Diamond was on the tower and gave us several warnings to leave the area by doing fly-overs and she clearly knew where both babies were. Xavier was in the box.
We tried in vain to find Rubi, without luck. But I wouldn’t be concerned. One year, one chick went missing for nine days before finally turning up. Who knows what they get up to? I’m confident the parents know, however.
The forecast storms on Saturday and Sunday evening have not materialised, but there is a chance of rain today, which will be a surprise for them, having been mollycoddled in their box all their short lives.
Vim is a beauty!
Lets hope juvie #3 shows up soon.
10:10 Juvie in the box, slechtvalken.blogspot.nl/2016/11/orange-nsw-1010-juvie-in-box.html
10:10 Vim gets prey in the box, youtu.be/xBnBi4qmupc
Fingers crossed for poor clumsy Rubi.
I just had a look in the box and there’s someone on the ledge – is it one of the youngsters? With the afternoon light behind, it’s hard to see much detail…
Vim has been there pretty much all day and evening. I’m just about to put up some photos.