Mell flew or glided just to the base of the tower. She was not in a good place as there was construction happening and she was banging her beak against a window. So I caught her and put her in the tree that they have used before.

Except now that I look at the tape of her flight, it may not be her after all as she seemed to go a good way away, although maybe she circled round.
And to cap it all, one of them is (I think) on the top of the tower. It’s very high up and the angle is not great, so I’m not sure, but it certainly looks like him.

Video from Cilla,
What wonderful photos! How on earth did Vim make it all the way back UP there, just a day after fledging? Wow. I had always thought it took them a while to develop enough muscle power to propel for upwards flight (evidently not!) Nice one, Vim…
It’s amazing. They usually take a week, so it’s quite unusual. However, it’s not a very good photo as I don’t have an SLR, just a Lumex with a strong zoom. The behaviour was what first alerted me….major crying and begging from Diamond…not really Xavier like and the front is too dark for him anyway. I’ll bring in my scope next week.
I’ve looked closely at the photos of Mell and I think this is her (see the white plumage remnant on the right side of her face; the others didn’t have this) so she must have flown right around and tried to re-land in the box, but failed.
Her last meal (an eastern rosella) was barely touched, maybe due to nerves (?), and was taken by Xavier at1446 h.
I’m going out again for a scout around soon and will check in over the weekend. I’m doing a snipe (Latham’s) survey tomorrow morning, but might be able to persuade the other watchers to come up and survey the perries as well afterwards.
Thank you Cilla for your pics and notes.
Did you see ALL 3 fledglings so you KNOW Rubi is OK?
Could the one on the ground be Rubi?
Woohoo Vim! Its rare a fledgling can fly up so soon, but he exited late and was ready. I HAVE seen the males fly up the same day they fledge. One fledged out of the nest box straight – turned around like a cartoon – oops – air! – eek! – and returned to the box!
HOLY COW! It looked like Mell sailed clean to – and over / past those trees!!!!!!!!!!! That was incredible! WOW! I am impressed! Right after she left I heard a falcon calling – perhaps Mom saying –
My record is here, with Cilla’s notes and my notes and screen shots.
OK I am done with my RRP and bcaw notes –
I suspect you found Rubi on the ground.
Just my opinion
When I did my rounds this evening, I confirmed that it was Vim on the top of the tower; Xavier landed nearby and was similar in size. I got some more photos, which I can put up later. It’s remarkable; it usually takes a week before they get up there.
I also found that the female was still in the tree in which I’d placed her. The downy feathers on her face made me think she was Mell, but it’s also possible that Rubi found her way back. Sorry, can’t be sure. I had a look in the trees where Rubi was last seen (in same direction that Mell was heading when she flew) and several hundred metres from the tower, but no sign.
I figured with a trainer like Xavier, that was Vim up there! 😀
I have come to love Xavier!