First step to independence

Xavier brought in a starling this morning and just dropped it at the chicks’ feet.   Without much hesitation, the chicks grabbed it and split it (hard to see) and started eating. Then Marragaay took a few steps with his treasure away from Bali.

20171025 Marragaay with his prize

I have to go to Sydney tomorrow, but will try and do catch up in the morning before I go and will dropbox some videos for Scott to load to youtube before I go.     We’ve been talking about the streaming problems and will start looking for sponsor so we can upgrade.  I’m giving a talk to Rotary in a couple of weeks and they have always been supportive, so fingers crossed.

11 thoughts

  1. The size difference is interesting as, at this age, they are usually similar. Obviously female adults are much bigger, but male chicks develop faster, so often difficult to sex without taking measurements (usually done when banding). Bali has always been much smaller and has had difficulty getting enough nourishment, althogh he looks healthy and lively, fortunately.

  2. I saw a feed going on earlier, and now Diamond (I think) has brought in food and is feeding the only eyas in the picture – let’s hope that’s Bali 🙂

    (I need to have an automated add-on whenever I type any of the birds’ names… “I think”, LOL.)

  3. I am so sad about the death of the second chick in Melbourne. After the first one’s death, especially after the dead body was removed, to my eyes, the second one looked like losing the will to live.
    So I’m pleased to see your two chicks Marragaay and Bali together.

  4. How sad about the Melbourne chicks 🙁
    This is a medley including parent popping in (but got cut off, lord knows why I included it), a gust sending feathers flying, and a long feed after which Bali claimed a morsel!

    14m53s VIDEO =

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