Xavier is clearly somewhat bemused by the notion of feeding the chicks. Diamond feeds the older chick until it falls over full, then the little one gets fed. That makes sense as it ensures at least one chick survives during hard times. But Xavier hasn’t quite got it. I think he is rather hoping that both chicks and egg will take the food if he just leaves it near them! Last year, he wouldn’t go near the chicks, except to trip over them occasionally, so it’s an improvement.

VIDEO 20171005 X almost feeding chicks
Not much change with egg3, but I’ll keep an eye on it.
Thanks Cilla. It’s good to get updates when I’m not near computer. As from Monday my access is limited again (Why can’t my long holiday be now lol)
Is it just me or has the camera gone down?
Cameras fine now, both nest and ledge and both live streaming and my recording cam; Diamond seems to be trying to shake chick out of egg 1554 h, and the crack is much larger, but I can’t imagine that it would still be alive. I’m keeping an eye on her, while I do other tasks. She seems very hot, with a lot of panting.
Can’t stay late tonight; promised to have dinner with partner for first time this week!
Thank you for the update, Cilla.
I had black screen not long ago, Deborah, OK now.
I feel like we’re watching a sad farewell at the moment 4:38PM
Black screen again here for quite a while. I could specify when it went down but my equipment is on ‘skeleton staff’ for the time being.
Scylla, it went down about 4.50pm
We’re back .. an hour later.
Back up 🙂
I shan’t be around for a while.
Diamond just had a violent wriggle :-/
I’m afraid I have no control over the live streaming. It’s supposed to reboot every hour. It’s working on my work computer, so I’m not sure why it wouldn’t be on yours. However, if there are problems tomorrow, I’ll ask IT (nicely) if they can reset it, but can’t promise anything.
Alas I’ve just lost the right to administer the blog. I think I know what the problem is, however, as I simply hit a wrong button when logging in and that’s all it took. I’ll send an email to Scott about this as it’s clearly too sensitive. I’ll probably still have access from my laptop, but it doubles the time it all takes.
Signing off till tomorrow.
Seems to be down again.
9:00PM it appears the egg fluff is still moving .. but it can’t keep going on like that. It’s egg yolk will be gone. Sad.
Cams have been down for long periods overnight but seem OK now 🙂
Here was Diamond having an illicit (should have been out the door!) poop and tripping back onto the babies @ 03:30hr:
Yes he’s getting better (though still throwing a lot of it at them!!)
I can’t see the egg at all …
OH NO .. egg’s still there. Wonder how long she’ll sit on it for 🙁
Probably not much longer, from my experience, although I’ve only watched infertile or thin-shelled eggs, not one like this, where the chick appears to have died (or not been strong enough to exit the shell).
My cams have been down again for a longish while.
Because we’ve had such a bad time since yesterday, I had another go at editing the “de-feathering” video from the 5th:
2m34s VIDEO = https://youtu.be/d-UzHsD8rFI
And no sooner had I finished it than I found another instance from earlier this morning, with some footage of the delivery too! Given that the above took me so many hours, don’t hold your breath for this latest 😉
Xavier appeared on the ledge a few minutes ago with prey, he’s just turned up on the nest cam. (I’m pretty sure it’s Xav but you may have seen differently 😉 )
Scylla this one is for you .. one of the little ones did a poopsie and it gave Diamond a bit of a fright I think lol
Diamond doing her best impression of a penguin wearing fluffy slippers!
12:20PM food drop to Diamond. At first I thought Diamond dropped it off the ledge as it just disappeared from her claws… but looks like she’s supervising Xavier feeding the chicks. You can see the shadows .. not too bad a job!
Lovely penguin snap, Deborah! 🙂 I’ll do my best to find poopsie, I’d hate us to miss that.
In the meantime, another marathon over another de-feathering (I’ve forgotten the word for it), and this really is a muddle, I’m sure you’ll wonder why I’ve included the initial scenes when they don’t fit in – I wonder too :-/
5m25s VIDEO = https://youtu.be/MeSkmnBzxRo
It’s called ‘plucking’! I’m starting new thread ….I have access again, fortunately.