My, this is a very interesting journey and still all three chicks are alive and well. Early this morning another peregrine few past. I couldn’t be sure which one this was. I also walked in the trees this afternoon and heard a falcon calling, but couldn’t find the bird to identify the gender.
Diamond made an excellent kill this morning – apparently, a sulphur-crested cockatoo (possibly a corella), but a large prey item. I see this as revenge for all those parties (almost orgies) that the cockies have held in the box over the years:). She had to leave the chicks for nearly three hours, but it is much warmer today fortunately.
At noon she backed into the box calling as if she was expecting a visitor, but he didn’t materialise.

Then after a quiet afternoon, another male came into the box. This was an adult, but I think probably younger than Bula. Diamond tolerated his presence (I suspect they have already met outside the box), even when he cheekily took a morsel of prey before leaving.

She even left him alone with the chicks for a short time, although he didn’t approach them. Then there was some fairly serious courtship behaviour, so this does look really hopeful (providing he minds his manners and brings food, rather than expecting hand-outs!). Look at the chicks ….don’t they look hopeful, too!

Poor Diamond is suffering a succession of suitors that haven’t quite figured out how to make themselves really welcome as long term partners! But isn’t it interesting how many other peregrines are around. You would never know it. But he’ll get the message, I think.
Ah, I think that must be the one who just popped in briefly at 6.40, while Diamond was out. So… definitely not the return of Bula? I was so hopeful… gee, isn’t Diamond having a day of it! I hope one of these blokes proves to be a good provider.
Whozis? * Zisiza Thief!
October 7, 2016 Shepnotes
New ADULT male. Diamond left about 7 and returned about 10 am with prey. Thats a long time – 3 hours! After being gone for 3 hours, Diamond returned with a VERY FULL crop and prey. After warming her brood awhile, she feeds all three.
Well now, we have a new ADULT male inside the nestbox,
and it looks to me as if he has mating on his mind.
He appears to be doing their courtship peep n bow routine.
But then the brat grabbed the prey and left! Zisiza Thief!
Arjen videos of feedings
bev video of feeding
sky video
RRP blog (3 pages)
Whozis? * Zisiza Thief!
October 7, 2016 Shepnotes
New ADULT male. Diamond left about 7 and returned about 10 am with prey. Thats a long time – 3 hours! After being gone for 3 hours, Diamond returned with a VERY FULL crop and prey. After warming her brood awhile, she feeds all three.
Well now, we have a new ADULT male inside the nestbox,
and it looks to me as if he has mating on his mind.
He appears to be doing their courtship peep n bow routine.
But then the brat grabbed the prey and left! Zisiza Thief!
This worked for someone else – maybe it’ll work for me too
Arjen videos of feedings
bev video of feeding
sky video
RRP blog (3 pages)
“Someone else” was me, Shep 😉
And I find that you don’t even need to C&P the links into your browser’s address bar, you (I, at least, in Chrome) can right-click on them and select “Go to…”, and vwalla!
Thanks for the videos and pics. It seems to be a very long night in Sydney, I keep thinking the cam is frozen :-/
Just as I posted that, the new male entered – he’s standing fairly close to Diamond and the chicks, hunched over.
The male left but at 6.18 Diamond jumped up to the ledge and you could see another falcon fly past. Diamond gave a call and then flew out after them and you can see them pass around the trees a few times.
Ok, a question for those in the know… What’s in it for this new guy? Obviously Diamond’s been able to get the word out somehow that’s she needs a new beau. But she can’t breed right now can she? If this is a new breeding partner are we likely to see another clutch of eggs this season?
Diamond came back around 6.34am with food .. but I missed it. I think it’s time Csilla to go give them that push to the other side of the nest lol
Falcons generally mate for life. If you want to say Diamond has ‘married’ this new male, thats the idea.
Last year a new male came when the female had 3 eggs already. Her mate was killed. She married a new male and laid 1 more egg. So this new male has a wife now.
I KNOW married is the wrong word but this pair will breed next year and territory has a lot to do with this too.
I can’t even watch the ledgecam when I’m awake as I don’t have a spare screen.
This was the new male’s 10-minute preyless visit @ 0550hr – he was standing at the other side of the nest for quite a long time, I think Diamond warned him when he was getting too close.
(Highlight link and right-click on it, select “Go to…”)
1m30s VIDEO =
YAY! At last – new bloke brings prey to the roost!!!
I’ve uploaded video, Sue, but YouTube is playing sillybilly and won’t process it.
Small prey, but it’s a very good start – so soon after his first appearance too.
(I’ve stopped recording one of the Skidaway Island GHOW cams, and can now record the ledgecam, altho it’s not in my line of sight.)
At last!
1m15s VIDEO =
Our hero with first prey gift:
We need to NAME him
Nimble (cuz he is SO quick!)
Shep, I think he’s Xavier, going by Csilla’s post title. We’ll have to start watching the personalities of those chicks (if we can ever see them properly LOL to get an idea of names for them).
I realise, these poor chicks will never have met Bula!
Maybe their names can be Bullet, Bully, and Bullwhip LOL
One of those chicks is female, I guarantee you!
I dont think Greedy Girl is a proper name – but