At about 1.29pm (local AEDT) the first of the fledgings succeeded. For a few minutes beforehand there was unrest and anticipation in the Concrete Hilton but then, with one of the adults looping around the tower the first chick bolted, in a very attractive soaring flight up and around to the left before joining up with the parent and disappearing off our cameras. We’ve just taken a walk around campus in that entire direction for about an hour and couldn’t find any sign of peregrines in the trees or around the grounds (there are now sheep in the paddock just over left where the grapes used to be), which is probably a good thing – the magic of flight probably took over and the young’un is still at altitude! In saying that we returned to check on the tower, only to be berated by an adult on top of the tower, just above the remaining kids. No doubt soon we’ll see them all back together again when it comes time for feeding. There is no concern just yet – the weather is absolutely perfect for fledging (cloudy, but toally calm) and there are no hazards spotted in the vicinity. Carparks and public areas were checked with no signs so far.
In the mean time the other two chicks are rearing and ready to go too, almost bang on estimates of about 39-40 days.
Video clips:
Tardy, the little male, successfully fledges, leaving sisters behind, 1.29pm 16th Nov 2015
The two remaining chicks then have an exciting moment with an adult
This is how peregrines do the housework!

Thank you Scott for posting these pics of Tardy fledging. He was determined to go on his own flight. <3 Can't believe I missed him leaving by 10 minutes after all these weeks of watching. The new parents, Diamond & Bula, have been fabulous in the caretaking of their progeny. This has been a wonderful website to watch after the US & European sites are done for this year. Good luck now to their daughters & Tardy.
Thanks so much for posting the videos Scott. So relieved that little Tardy made a graceful exit.
I shall miss Tardy … he had such spunk. My favourite for sure! Hope he makes a flying visit.
absolutely flawless fledge for Tardy! we are so proud of him. many thanks for the video Scott- seems like some of us only missed it by minutes. stay safe Tardy
Tardy took off like a pro! Like he’d been doing it all his life. Fair skies to him and to his sisters when they decide it’s time to go.
Thank you so much Scott! I only have experience watching city peregrines in Toronto, Baltimore and Chicago. After fledging they hang around the scrape and play….doing a lot of talon touching in the air, acrobatics, etc., and parents teach them to hunt and they usually come back to the scrape to sleep….this goes on for a couple of weeks. Do we expect the same here? Will they come back? Thanks.
Think the 2nd one fledged & I just missed that also. My luck.
It was two or 3 minutes ago. Fly safe little girl.
Have been watching since before 6am. In the time it took me to go and clean my teeth, the second chick fledged.
Second fledge (I think it was Tumbler) at 6:42:42 am on Nov. 17. That’s what the clock on my screen showed when I looked at it. Both were on the ledge and she stretched her wings open and her sister started biting her right wing feathers because they covered her head. Then she closed her wings, opened them again seconds later and off she flew with a purpose. A beautiful fledge! Whoo hoo! Be safe out there Tumbler! Now little brother Tardy has a sister to fly and learn with. Oh, and now Walga gets all the food to herself! Scott, many thanks for the videos.
Walga looks a bit lonely. Just saw one of the parents fly by. Two chicks hatched on the same day, so maybe we’ll also have 2 fledges today. Yes Sue, they are unpredictable. lol. Lucky you, Donna!
Why do I keep missing the fledges by 5 minutes!! I was watching all the way up til 6.40 so really today by 2 mins. I knew it was about to happen though.
Yippee for Tardy and Tumbler! Fly safe, little falcons. Thanks, Scott, for the video!
thanks Donna for the play-by-play- of course i missed this fledge as well. i am so happy that both fledged successfully
Hi all,
exciting times up the Concrete Hilton, with two birds flown the coop as of this morning. We’re awaiting the third fledge, hopefully some time today, and will post up some of the pics and video clips. Weather is still perfect for fledging, very sunny, very little wind, and with no known launch hazards in the area. We’ll go walking around campus again later today to check the younglings (if we can find them – they freeze like a branch when you get close!), and I’m sure the adults will remind us if we’re getting too close!