As you have already noticed, Diamond laid her third egg at just after midnight on Sunday morning, local time and all is well.

Bula has been doing his bit rather well, probably better than Beau I think, who struggled with even two eggs. Sometimes when the eggs get separated, he takes a while to get settled, but so does Diamond. I don’t think he’s any smaller than Beau.

He has been bringing prey, which is his most important job. These have been scraps, so hard to identify, but I suspect a couple of parrots in the haul (probably an eastern rosella and a female red-rumped parrot).
Will there be a fourth egg? This would be unprecedented in this site, but fingers crossed.
Bula’s doing really well after initially looking like he was struggling. I’m not writing off the possibility of a fourth egg – Diamond was looking very restless and fidgety earlier.
I see that my comment re Egg 3 (under “Egg 2 is here”) is still awaiting moderation. Is that because I included a pic and video of the event? Is there anything I should do to avoid that?
Bula is really taking to incubation! Diamond has just returned to the box only for Bula to stay put on the eggs. She looked a bit bemused for a moment before making the most of the evening and flying off again.
Sorry if I confused you, Cilla. I just posted links to a photo and a video of Egg 3’s arrival under your post re Egg 2’s arrival.
However, the comment is no longer “awaiting moderation”, so I’m not a ‘persona non grata’ after all, I’ve stopped blubbing 😉
My hubby is asking where all the cockatoos have gone. Did the felling of the dead trees lead to their leaving or is it just down to the time of year?
See my new posting – they need to be careful as they could easily end up as peregrine dinner if they are too cheeky! Beau might have been frightened of them, and Swift perhaps too old to take them on, but I think Diamond is of sterner mettle.