I’ll be checking up on Peregrine activity over the next fortnight while Cilla has a break. I work with a small not-for-profit organisation call the Nature Conservation Trust of NSW and our office is a 10 minute walk down the hill, close enough for me to hear the Peregrines when they call from the Concrete Hilton.
We’ve been seeing a bit of Beau in the box recently, so I thought I’d add a couple of photos of him checking out the new gravel. He seems to be keen on a second nesting attempt, but it takes two..!

Hi, Tiffany! It’s nice to hear from you – and it’s very much appreciated you’re giving your time to keep us all up to date with the goings-on of our lovely peregrines.
Swift is laying in the near corner of the box at the moment – I don’t know if she saw the kestrel which briefly hovered outside about twenty minutes ago but it left rather quickly!