With the presumption of normal operations to our Project website we’ve added some of this season’s video clips. It’s proving to be fun with these 2 new HD cameras as the video quality is so good it’s making the video file sizes enormous so we’re testing to reduce file sizes on uploading!!
First video we see Swift laying her first egg in early morning, back in August. The second clip shows Beau and Swift in a bowing moment – it’s good to see these two interacting for us in the cameras! In the third clip we see a sad moment as Swift removes her 3rd and last damaged egg to the side.
This week we’ll be attaching the new HD ledge camera to our Milestone surveillance/recording server and we hope to be bringing some high quality clips to you from the ledge soon.

thank you! cant tell you how i enjoyed snow last year. if no more eggs, will still enjoy the interactions of these two great birds