Snow has found the roost tree

After disappearing yesterday afternoon and causing a certain amount of anxiety, all is now well.  Scott and I found Snow at the top of the usual dead pine roost/feed tree about 50-60 m away from the tree where we left him, in the tiny patch of bush opposite the nest.  It’s a tall tree, so he must have flown well to get up there.

 Mum was sitting quietly in the box, but Dad was patrolling and chattering a warning call, so we didn’t go close.

I did take a photo, but it’s probably not web quality – too far away and backlit, but will have a look tonight.

Orange is expecting some harsh weather in the next few days, so that will be a further test.  These babies are so spoilt as they have been under cover all their lives.

Cilla (relieved)….back to the stats.

4 thoughts

  1. So glad Snow is doing well with his flying. Since that’s the case, maybe he can get back to the nestbox for shelter from the weather that’s coming in!

    Thanks so much for your updates! They are greatly appreciated by many people around the world!

  2. Glad to hear that Snow’s initial fledge and rescue was successful! And even happier to hear that he is flying well and has found his way to the pine roost/feed tree. Thanks for continuing to post updates. Of particular interest to me was his stats that Cilla reported. Hopefully, he should do well.

  3. bonjour ,glad to know, Snow safety, and monitored by parents, I hope he continues to progress smoothly to his independence! Thank you for the information.

  4. Am missing Snow but imagine he wants to live his life outside the box!!!! Having an only child , I appreciated watching Swift and Beau with just one chick!!!!! Wish I could have identified Snow’s parents better when they were in eyrie alone both now and with Snow. Camera mildly distorted sizes. )(my eyes are mildly distorted too!!!) Watch utube of banding peregrine chicks on the Throgs Neck Bridge in NYC with Chris D (10minutes long). Very interesting and Chris mentions that at 3 weeks our peregrine tarsal bones are fully grown so he can identify male and female at this time of banding. I appreciate, admire, and will support your efforts ,Cilla and Scott. From a not so secret admirer from Michigan /USA

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