Congratulations to our tolerant parents, Swift and Beau – the first little head popped up in the tiny hours of this morning’s darkness. As has been pointed out it’s so small but it’s very new. There is now also a second little head under Swift as well; third still unconfirmed. True to form our recording software and streaming has decided to fall over in random ways this morning, but we’re on to it and will continue to make sure we can provide as much live coverage as possible. Bear with us! When we’ve edited some clips a little shorter they’ll be made available via this website ASAP.
But for now the good news is that new life has appeared up in the eyrie and we’ll be keeping close tabs from now on. Enjoy the new life!

Woo-hoo!!! Congratulations!!!
This is wonderful! Congratulations to Swift & Beau and of course, to Scott & Cilla! You all must be SOOOO “egg-cited”!
It was so nice to be able to see the hatchings live & get peeks of the little ones now & then. Thanks so much for the live cam!
bonjour,Wow! two pure wonders, I saw them while Swift was standing …. thank you again for the camera!
bonne journée!
What more can we ask for!! Thank you to everyone concerned.