This morning we’re still staring at the first egg all by itself. Swift spent most of yesterday either on the ledge or in the eyrie itself, while Beau showed intrigue and curiosity at times when Swift took a break. These breaks could be anywhere up to 20 minutes at a time and isn’t alarming at this stage as they’re able to adjust incubation until all eggs appear on the scene. Beau provided a few highlights when left alone with his little oval charge – for the life of him he still can’t work out what to do with it and would “hover” over it for 3-4 minutes at a time, wondering if he should sit, or stand, or just mind it until Swift returned. His intentions are good but in practice Beau is just our little guy!! Time will tell but it will be interesting to see how he copes again if the clutch grows beyond his manageable couple of eggs. Two seasons ago when we observed 3 eggs (Rosie, Ronny & Scott!) he could never figure out how to comfortably sit on them all and ended up in his own unusual yoga class, much relieved when Swift returned! All is promising at this stage.