Siblings reunited

I found Gaia this afternoon.  She made her way to the roost tree very quickly (as did Pluto) and with no dramas or help from me, fortunately.   I think the parents have decided this is a good area for them for flight practice and steer them here more quickly each year.    I think this must have been the easiest year for them (and me!).   I’ve included one of Pluto having a poo, as I know that will keep some of you happy.

Pluto left, Gaia on the right, together again after short separation



12 thoughts

  1. It’s great to see my babies…but above all to see them well…and again to see them together…they will always be my BABIES… tank you CILLA for these beautiful photos!!

  2. Eine Freude Gaia und Pluto wieder zusammen zu sehen, und dass es ihnen gut geht.
    Danke Cilla für die wunderschönen Fotos der beiden.
    Ich verfolge dieses Nest schon seit Jahren mit Freuden (in der Schweiz) und schreibe und stelle auch Fotos in der Schweiz in ein Forum.
    Danke auch für die verantwortlichen von diesem Nest, die es ermöglichen, dass man dieses Nest live beobachten kann.
    Liebe grüsse Erika aus der Schweiz

  3. Translation of Erika’s comment :

    A pleasure to see Gaia and Pluto together again, and that they are well.
    Thank you Cilla for the wonderful photos of the two.
    I have been following this nest for years with pleasure (in Switzerland) and I also write and post photos in a forum in Switzerland.
    Thanks also for the people responsible for this nest, who make it possible to watch this nest live.
    Love greet Erika from Switzerland

  4. It was funny the way they were mostly looking in the same direction, like watching a tennis match! Probably looking for their food to fall out of the sky when they were looking up!

  5. Wonderful. Great success with these two adorable top flyers, Pluto and Gaia. Thanks for reporting and pictures, Cilla.

  6. Thankyou Cilla for keeping us all up to date with these two. I started following both 367 Collins and Orange falcons last nesting season. We do not have the opportunity to follow the success of the Melbourne falcon family in such detail, as we do for Pluto, Gaia, Xavier and Diamond, and it is captivating.

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