It has come to our attention that there are occasional current issues with the YouTube live camera feeds. I’ve received an email from one of our camera software providers who has noticed it as well. Apparently the problem lies inside YouTube. They’re apparently shutting off live feeds by accident! The software people are on to YouTube about it and hopefully there’ll be a solution soon. Lucky it’s a quiet time of the year for us (up the Concrete Hilton anyway). With much hotter days here now the falcons are more likely to hide away from the heat should still be active thereabouts. We’re lucky that the local subspecies isn’t a migratory type, so we can enjoy them all year round.
Christmas to everyone!!
Thanks for the heads up, Scott. I had wondered about that when I went to the nest stream the other day and was told “this live stream is no longer available.” I see that there IS an available nest cam stream, however… it just seems to have moved or something.
Hope you have a lovely, not-too-hot Christmas! Thanks for all the work you do to keep the site up and running 🙂
Thanks for the update Scott! And also for all the good work.
Wish you happy holidays and a great new year!