Disturbance for spring cleaning

I had to give the birds a bit of a fright this morning as the lenses were a bit grubby and it looked like this will be my last chance before the breeding season.  Diamond is looking quite broody and both birds have been doing a lot of scrape preparation.  Diamond in fact spent part of the nest in the scrape (but she’s not straining as yet).  So, although it’s unlikely that we will have eggs for a week, it’s entirely possible any day.

The videos are broken into three to make them a bit easier to handle.    Cheers  Cilla

6 thoughts

  1. That’s all good. And BirdieCam got a video of it ie the ‘laying’, which is on her Youtube channel. Hopefully, she will sign in and give us the link. I’m afraid I missed it. We have had no recording software since December, so I’m still stuck with screen recordings.

    But I do have some photos, so will start a new thread tomorrow, when I will have my laptop with me:)

    Keep an eye out for between one and three more eggs over the next few days.

    And please keep sending me screenshots of prey items. Most welcome!


  2. So excited for egg 1.
    I told my husband I new it would come on my birthday.
    I’ve got some amazing shots of mumma and her egg but can’t seem to post them here x

  3. As we have no 24 x 7 recording software at present (it was destroyed by lightning last December and has not yet been repaired, and may not be), the images that I will get will be very hit and miss this season as I’m reliant on a Movavi screen recorder and very limited time, but you can always send images to me (see contact us below) and I can post them to the website. Note that I get all your messages on my email.

    You can also alert me to interesting happenings (with the time) and, if it’s within the four hour rollback time, I can record video and photos from that.

    I’m going to start a new thread now as I have some photos of the new egg.

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