I haven’t seen Bali now, either in the box, on the tower, or in the fields and woods, since 20th December – over a week, now, so I think we can safely say that he has left the area, hopefully to pigeon-filled greener pastures.
Marragaay, however, doesn’t appear to want to leave home and is still chasing parents for food. Here I caught her in the roost trees, which are ancient yellow box and looking rather fine at present, as they are in flower, so I’ve included a landscape shot. Marragaay can just be seen as a dot in the centre far right of the picture.

She then flew to the tower, but the photo is too back-lit. However, Diamond gave me a look only a peregrine can produce meaning ‘back off’.

And here are the loving couple renewing their bonds in the longest courtship ritual I’ve seen for some time. My apologies for the internet radio noise in the background! Note also that the two images are slightly out of synch, so you might think there is a threesome, but alas, not just the two.
I miss Bali and wish him a happy life.
Thanks for the pictures.
Marragaay looks great.
Diamond staring at you looks so cute to me…!
4:53 pm I heard calls and 4:54 two flew by (not came in).
One of them was Marragaay…? Too fast.
Awwwww! I love watching peregrines doing their bowing, and the noises are adorable. Thanks for sharing.
Love the Death Stare!
I had a look at the chase at 4.53-4 and I think it was Diamond being chased by Marragaay, and there was a lot of calling. M was also calling shortly after 6 am this morning.
I can’t get here in the early mornings as I need to spray my weeds in summer (or could be fined) on our property, which is 57 ha (123 acre for the Americans!).
I’m going to be away from tomorrow morning for two nights at the Gulgong Folk Festival, so any sightings, videos and comments, especially on Sunday, would be welcome as the screen recorder won’t go that long!
57 ha…
One flew by (I can’t tell who…) just before D left at 7:25 am.
I think Diamond staring at Cilla thanking her for the nice home!
9 40 am just changing the screen recorder before setting off for two nights away, and Marragaay was sitting on top of the tower, looking a bit damp as we had a welcome 12 ml of rain overnight, with Xavier in the box. Diamond presumably bringing home the bacon.
All sights and sounds of Marragaay (or Bali, of course) over the next two days would be most welcome.
Dec 29, 5:23 pm, two were in the box. (My friend told me so.)
Dec 30, 2:37 pm, I heard juvenile’s call. D was in the box.
Wow, M came in the box! Left at 4:47 pm.
Kaoru, I saw that too, than found this vidio.
At 7:12pm, Marragaay fly over the next again.
Video recorded by my friend.
Just had another bowing session, about 07:50 your time. Lovely!
On the last day of 2017, the video shows a full-spirited morning.
Happy New Year to all!
Dec 31, 3:02 pm
D and X were in the box.
Dec 31, 7:22 pm
D was in the box and J? flew by…
D left and two flew by, and only D came in the box. But juvenile call till 7:25.
D was looking up on the ledge, so M or B was (or…M and B were ! ) on the top of the tower…?
Jan 1, 1:09 pm
X and D bowing.
Thanks for all these notes. It’s helped me fill in a few gaps – these were not as many as I feared as the hotel had good wifi and I shamelessly abused this privilege.
Most of the problems arose from the ledge cam, which has been malfunctioning on and off all day. I’ve notified Scott.
I had a lovely session watching Marragaay hunt this evening and will put up new thread with piccies tomorrow.
someone on bcaw blog said Bali was in box SCREAMING, attacking Diamond – who fled quickly.
I watched that video but I think its Mara
I hope you had a good weekend, Cilla. Looking forward to the next update!
Response to Shep – Bali not been sighted recently, so he’s right – that incident was with Marragaay.
Ledge cam was not working early this morning, but at just before 8 am, it WAS working on the old streaming server (with sound), not NOT on youtube. I was worried the camera had given up the ghost, so fingers crossed.
Am I the only one having problems with the ledge cam? I can get it on my portable wifi (but that has 2 GB that has to last 2 years!) and my wifi at home, but not at work through CSU wifi (on either my own laptop or my work computer). How is that even possible?
Last night, we could still hear the call of Marragaay from nest camera.
My friend recorded two vedio, Marragaay…lol
20171231 Diamond hide back home
20171231 05:03:48pm Marragaay scared Diamond