I don’t quite know what this behaviour means, not speaking peregrine, but often when there has been no prey drop for a while, there is some interaction between the adult, particularly the female and the chicks, sort of ‘pretend feeding’ perhaps. Here is a short example.
VIDEO 20171026 interaction Di chicks
I’ve put some longer videos for Scott to turn into youtubes, but I’m off to conference/AGM in Sydney (Nature Conservation Council, of which I’m the NSW West representative).
Other items to note. Xavier brought in a live starling this morning (poor thing was not having a good time). Diamond is still hoeing into the rosella population, mostly plucked.
Both chicks are getting fed, despite the size difference, although Bali nearly always feeds second. Here one of the chicks is unwilling to give prey back.
AND Some other interesting behaviour, when Diamond appeared to ‘rouse’ the chicks from their slumber, but for no apparent reason – no prey was available, but it was morning. Video too long, but I’ve sent it to Scott.

I’ll be able to check for comments over the weekend and can start new thread if necessary, but cannot access images or recording software.
Thank you, Cilla! The cams have definitely improved, we have far fewer long blackages, tho the multi-freezes still flourish 😀
Hence, no videos from me.
You will (probably) all be relieved to hear that I failed to find the live Starling brought in by Xav.
Today’s snaps so far:
Am eagerly looking forward to Scott’s videos 🙂
I didn’t put up a video of live starling…bit too much of a snuff movie!
Cams working well for me, too. I was able to show the Nature Conservation Council live feed of prey being brought in today….quite a distraction from campaign planning!
Get to hear Mike Nick, jazz pianist trio tonight; one of the perks of a trip to Sydney.
Sample of both eyases wingercising.
1m02s VIDEO = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOyN4kvTri8
I had to stitch the two cams together to get this story. I won’t tell you what happens, you’ll have a giggle I hope 🙂
(It froze before completion, unfortunately.)
2m21s VIDEO = https://youtu.be/TI-cFKYuG24
This is the frozen ledge cam :-*
(If you check out the cams, you are far less likely to be met with black screen nowadays.)