On Friday evening I found a lone juvenile (probably Vim) on their dead tree; no sign of the others.

Nearby was a pair of Australian (=Nankeen) Kestrels, so I amused myself trying to photograph them (no sign of juveniles, alas)

I also got better photo of the yellow box (Eucalyptus melliodora) one of Australia’s most beautiful trees (in my mind, at least) and excellent honey trees.

I haven’t had a chance to get back out there until today, but couldn’t find any trace of them, although Xavier is visiting regularly to the box and Diamond is there overnight. And there are occasions when they get together. Here Xavier is preparing a scrape (which is gone now as I cleaned the box today, so he might get a bit of surprise when he gets back).

I’ll go out again this evening and see if I can find them. I don’t think they will have gone yet. Juveniles are usually around for a month at least. I think they have just moved to another tree, perhaps a bit further away. Diamond is away all day, so appears to be much of the supervision.
I’ll also go back up and do a better job of cleaning the cameras!
Nice pics Cilla. Arjen does well keeping track on videos. 🙂
I both miss the young – and am happy they are gone and doing so well.
Video from Cilla, youtu.be/kD28OHNDRc8
16:05 Cilla cleans the box, youtu.be/CjRFzl2L4Xo
5:07 Diamond & Xavier, youtu.be/D7EligZ1t1Q
Had a good hunt around the campus and neighbouring properties, but was rewarded with just one glimpse of a juvenile female (I think) flying. I’ll keep looking and let you know when and if I find them, as it is a bit early for separation in my opinion. We had one female hanging around for two months after fledging, sleeping in the box with mum, and they are usually around until Christmas at least.
Cameras a bit cleaner!
Nice cleaning job, Cilla!
“Nice” is not exactly how I would describe it. Note to self: remember the protective eyewear next time!
Oh Cilla, I pray you dont get sick. That was a filthy job cleaning that box! you DID need more protection than you had – I saw you on Arjen’s video! In fact – after a couple minutes I couldnt watch anymore!
Yes its too early for juvies to go off on their own – they know you and are playing hide n seek! 🙂
I imagine the air up there in the box would be enough to make one’s eyes water! I’ve often wondered about that back panel – especially when Diamond was pecking at it earlier this season…now I know…and seeing a human in relation to the box gives us a better idea of the size of it (the box, not the human!) It’s looking lovely and tidy in there now, Cilla.
19:54 Xavier & Diamond, ArVGN-JvQxQ
As far as I know, the juveniles leave permanently after an average of six weeks. In Alphen aan de Rijn the juveniles left the box in the beginning of June, but there is still a male juvenile visiting the box, youtu.be/poWL4m8MP8w
19:54 Xavier & Diamond, youtu.be/ArVGN-JvQxQ
19:46 Xavier & Diamond, youtu.be/P55aXUlRH-8
10:15 Diamond & Xavier having good times :-), youtu.be/RXMzgmOQRc0
Arjen, I enjoyed the “good times” video. It’s so interesting to watch Xavier trying to gain some of Diamond’s attention.
Love his dramatic exit!
13 Dec 7:34 Xavier with prey, youtu.be/S30pytPYAxA
Diamond didn’t come to the nest box last night.
I see the beautiful Diamond perched looking out right now.
These are such awesome critters
0:43 Diamond arrives, youtu.be/NdHC_mQPPJA
5:13 Diamond & Xavier, youtu.be/Po1uzsWhM6U
8:54 Xavier & Diamond, youtu.be/uiV3y_2_zMM
Apologies for lack of updates. I’ve had a busy week & week-end and am still trying to catch up and should be able to do a summary on Friday (have to go to Dubbo tomorrow to try and prevent reductions to the environmental flows of our main river, Murray Darling).
I’ve looked every day for youngsters without success, but I’m confident they are doing fine, just difficult to find! Some storms and rain showers are forecast for the next few days.
20:35 Xavier & Diamond, youtu.be/4I9pf12cQKE
20:43 Xavier & Diamond, youtu.be/nOY_d3V_iBY