I took these yesterday, being probably the last day when I could get all three together, and I was right. I thought you might also like to see the views these birds have from the Girinyalanya park, where the roost trees are:

At the time of writing, still two in the tower and one in the bushes. And thanks to Denis and Tiffany for helping me locate the wayward Rubi.
Cheers Cilla
Great pics! It’s nice to see the view from other spots around the place, and also great to see the eyasses from the other side of the tower! Sounds silly, but they look much bigger from outside the box.
Now that Rubi is about to spend her first night outdoors, will Mum and ‘Uncle’ Xavier look in on her, bring her food etc while they wait for the others? Do they start flying & hunting lessons straight away, or wait till they have a full ‘class’?
One more question (sorry to be so full of them!) – up until I left for work today (1.30pm) I don’t think the chick had had anything to eat. It’s now nearly 6pm. Have they had anything at all today? They must be ravenous!
I don’t think any of them have had anything to eat all day, although the parents may have found Rubi by now. She’s rather obvious with half the bad-tempered birds on campus bombing her. I’ll check on her shortly as I’m leaving now (meeting tonight). I think this is a deliberate ploy to try and get the other two out.
It usually takes a few days of basic flying practice around the campus before they all end up together in a tree, after which the lessons will start in earnest.
Incidentally, we keep the webcam going right around the year, although there is usually a break of a few weeks out of breeding season (so I can get away!). Our peregrines are resident; they do not migrate.
Last year the fledglings didn’t re-use the box apart from rare visits. The parents often bought food to the box (as if they had forgotten that the chicks had gone..), however.
I’m off – two chicks still in box at 6.07 pm
Well well well! The wrong one gone when I wake up!
Shoulda named her WHOOPS!
She will making LOTS of noise shrieking for food.
Heli- Xavier will help flight train them, but I’d be surprised if he shares any food – Diamond will do that. The 2 in th box will scream their heads off when they see Mum bring Rubi food. THAT will entice them to fledge. Ha! 😀
She’s a bit too far away to have any effect on the remaining fledglings, I think. Out of view, down to the right, about 250 m away. Last seen about 5 pm in tall shrub, but I couldn’t find her on my way home.
I hope you cud HEAR her
Little Vim has just fledged!
Time between 6:14:08 and 6:14:13
I was watching him as he lifted his wings and saying: Dont leave me! and he did 🙂 Nice flight.
He stood in the door – very suddenly just took off as if he was Unca Xav