Prey items today have included the usual galahs, starlings and a rosella (probably crimson). Very few passerines recently, apart from starlings. Passerines are usually too small to bother with, but starling juveniles are just so numerous (and unwary) that it’s an easy snack.
These sisters! Brawling and carrying on, while Vim calmly gets out of their way and picks up the pieces. The pattern seems to be that (with a large prey) one sister grabs the prey, has the first feed, then the second sister tackles the first and, if successful, has the second go at the prey, and leaves the remains for Vim. With a small prey, the male is usually missing out, but not always, thanks goodness.

There are more ‘tender’ moments too, when the youngsters peck at each other in a gentler fashion.

There was a nice short of two of the birds waiting for their dinner

And finally a short of Vim, Rubi and Mell lined up near the ledge for a great comparison of size. I’ve been waiting for so long to get this shot!
Have a great weekend. I have a field trip Sunday and am hoping to see another peregrine nest at Mount Canobolas, our local ‘mountain’ (1400 m), where there is usually near a nest close to a waterfall – reached by a walking track, about 2 hours.

17:28 Prey 3,
Sound video’s from Cilla,
They look so grown-up now, and so dramatic when they spread out their wings. Amazing to think that such a short time ago they were tiny white fluff-balls!
You said a while ago Cilla, that you thought they might fledge about today, but I’m thinking it may take a few more days. Can’t remember from last year, but suspect they didn’t fly before the last of the white down had gone.
Vim is quite tiny compared to the girls isn’t he?
19:02 Prey 4,
Wow – the size difference is incredible, isn’t it? It seems more pronounced than last year’s. Poor little Vim – I often worry whether he’s getting enough to eat, the way those greedy guts sisters hog all the food and he spends his time picking at the leftovers. Exciting times ahead. Like Trudy, I’ve been wondering how much longer it’ll be till one of them heads off. What do you think, Cilla?
Males probly fledge first to eat in peace!! 🙂 😀
Vim may fledge any day – he has really sleeked out beautifully!
8:57 Prey 1,
I agree with Shep – Vim is beautiful. I hope he makes it safely out of the “madhouse” soon 🙂
9:19 Prey 2,
Yesterday 23:51 Diamond returns,
11:17 In balance,
If they fledge the same as last year, the first should go Monday, but of course Shep is right, they could go any day now.
14:10 Prey 3,