‘Huge’ prey

I’ve been trolling through all the videos from 4th November and am puzzled by the comment by Shep of the ‘huge’ prey being brought in at these times:

6 November:  1000 am

7 November:  2.22 am

Could you give me the Australian time, or your location so I can calculate it, so I can double check back to see what these are.  Diamond has been hoeing into the galah population recently – excellent tucker, large and juicy – and the only bird round here that is bright pink and silver, so very obvious.

Galahs are about 35 cm long and weigh 270–350 g, so quite a mouthful.  Peregrines have a body length of of 34 to 58 cm, with the males often a third smaller than the female, so for a male to catch a galah, it’s pretty amazing (but nothing compared to the egret one of them caught recently).  These could have been taken by either sex.

I still have two days to do to catch up, and the software went out again yesterday (but is running today), so apologies for lack of updates, but I can see that all is well and juvenile plumage is almost there (and the box is full of down that scatters every time we have a flapping session).

7 thoughts

  1. I dont have a record of times, its a challenge to get the right DATE but I try. 🙂
    A YUGE prey is NOT a starling and I often only see a flash of WHITE. Sadly sometimes I see red, blue – hence I thot macaw.
    I recall the prey appeared almost as big as Di.

    I am so caught up in our new President 😀 🙂 that I missed my Oz falcons this USA morning / Oz nightfall

  2. The blue and red birds are usually rosellas, crimson, or if they have yellow as well, then eastern, both smaller than galahs, but much bigger than starlings.

    But can you give me your location, so I can calculate the time difference?

    And good luck with your new president….:).. Australia has been riveted for months.

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