chicks becoming mobile

As you’ve already observed (I’m a day behind you..), our youngsters are becoming much more mobile and brave, and our young suitor is being a bit more grown-up, with notable exceptions….

reverts to juvenile behaviour
Xavier reverts to juvenile behaviour!

At one time, I started to kid myself that he was watching intently how Diamond fed the chicks, only to realise that he was just watching for a chance to grab a mouthful himself.

Xavier's intent watching
Xavier’s intent watching

On one morning he brought in some ‘dressed’ prey, only to find Diamond still feeding, so, rather understandably, he took off again after waiting for a while.

Second helpings that weren't
Second helpings that weren’t

Diamond has started bringing in unplucked prey (starling), which she roughly plucked in the box, then fed to the brood.  I think this was her catch as Xavier had been dawdling on the ledge.  I’ve just noticed that one of our brood fell over in astonishment!

unplucked starling for supper
unplucked starling for supper

Also she rarely succeeds now at ‘sitting’ on her chicks, but still tries occasionally.  Mostly now she stands over them, or uses the ledge at night, despite the chill air (we are still getting frosts).

I have to go back to Sydney on tomorrow afternoon’s train for a weekend conference/meeting.  I’ll try and catch up tomorrow, but it’s not likely as I have a morning of plant propagation, so have a good weekend and I’ll talk to you again on Monday.


5 thoughts

  1. nestcam was down 8 hours
    Late afternoon Oct 19 USA time it went out on me.

    Thanks for the new post and pics!
    All is going normal – well .. uh …

    Lady Di is on the ledge overnite, chick cuddle together

  2. bev in Canada notes – I LOVE her notes!
    darn feet, Diamond tried to retrieve it as it went form one to the other LOL
    and no worries about Xavier. If he was not in Australia I would say he was related to our Chase in Edmonton, Chase was exactly like this his first year , when he came in , after egg s were laid. He has gone on to become an excellent provider and mate and father.
    And I bet if we were there 10/7 like a few of us are in Edmonton , we would witness him bringing in a lot of prey. Chase still has a few tug a wars with Radisson. In school we would he has a little ADH. But we love them anyway, even if at times we wamt to tear our hair out

    one in corner by itself, with a piece of prey. the other 2 beaking.
    a little unsteady but one in corner has done full walk about

    sky video
    Diamond and one of the chicks in a spirited tug-o-war. Diamond won….but barely!

    Cilla / Scott
    Is there some way you can keep my RRP link on my nickname so it will post?

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