Caught very this morning was Swift taking a stretch before flying off from the ledge on another perfect morning in Orange; one of the many amazing images we’re receiving from these two new Axis hi-def cameras monitoring Swift and Beau’s every move when in their eyrie up the ‘Concrete Hilton’ –

An update on the Project’s two server upgrades – we’re happy with the streaming server, and connection speed to both cameras appears to be vastly improved over the old unit (please correct us if we’re wrong!!). The replacement surveillance/recording server has also completed initial testing and been moved up in to the cooler server room. We should have that operational (internally) over the next couple of days, but again response times and video processing capabilities have been dramatically improved. Thankyou from the team to various members of DIT management for allowing us to rebuild/reconfigure these two units and provide FalconCam Project with vastly improved reporting and viewing results.
You’re right Scott ! Connection time IS greatly improved & pic quality is excellent. Great new cams & a HUGE improvement.
May I ask, is the “Concrete Hilton” a concrete tower or a concrete building? Can’t tell by the cams.
Also, an excellent snip of Swift about to take off flying.
Scott, what a beautiful capture – I love the sunlight on her wings!
I’ve got to agree with Sky Wings – the live streams with the new cameras are so much better. Do I recall correctly that the Concrete Hilton is a water tower? I can see that the box is very high up.