Some stunning new imagery

With the new Axis 3384 HD (vandal-proof!) camera in place above the ledge, and also now configured to our internal Milestone Surveillance server, we’re finally getting some stunning quality images and video clips. The down-side is that the video clip sizes are enormous due to the high resolution of the camera (that can be handled) but the up-side is that we’re now seeing these ‘macropus‘ peregrine falcons in real-life colourĀ  and clarity, from both inside the nest as well as on the ledge and indeed outside the tower too. Cilla is over the moon that we now have a much better chance of identifying any food coming in, but we still can’t convince Beau to stop reconstituting his menu before he arrives, to give us a better chance at true identification!

Still working on repairing the photo gallery modules to the left. It seems we can’t upload new pics, nor view them, so we’re looking at an alternative module.

There has been plenty of verbal activity around campus, with some interesting interactions, and some further long bowing moments in the eyrie. Both birds seem to be quite animated when outside and there’s generally one or the other in the eyrie or on the tower itself, out of camera reach. No further signs though of any breeding so the “window” may have closed for now.

Swift returns - 1
Swift returns – 1
Swift returns - 2
Swift returns – 2
Swift returns - 3
Swift returns – 3

One thought

  1. Stunning imagery indeed! But not happy to hear that the breeding season is likely over for these 2 wonderful PF’s. So sorry to hear that, Scott & Cilla.

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