Project work is getting back on track now after various interruptions recently, most notably a campus-wide power outage on Saturday, which would’ve definitely affected our streaming feeds. All is well again now. Some viewers have noticed that the connection to either camera can take a long time to bring up – we’re putting it down at the moment to the large bandwidth we’re using for the feeds, so we may have to cut back on this to allow more efficient streaming. Testing is ongoing.
Swift and Beau are now sitting on thin air. The 3rd egg has been cleaned out and both birds have been happier sitting on top of the tower or around on the old unused microwave dish (best views in Orange!). We can now watch and hope that there will be a second mating as it’s stil early in the season. Our first observed season, resulting in eyas Migii, didn’t occur until end of November and in to December (fleding in to the new year) so we can but cross fingers that progress will be made – in terms of FalconCam Project this is uncharted territory.
If we’re able to soon we’ll head in to the box to try and extract any remaining eggshell portions to see if we can get them tested – call it a health check!
In the meantime stick with us and we’ll see where this 6th observed season goes from here.
A reminder for anyone posting comments that you can leave messages on these news posts by opening up the post itself via the heading and then posting notes at the bottom. Thanks again for all your support and comments. It makes for better, more interesting reading!

P.S. For anyone using our correct domain name to access this website – – we apologise on behalf of Google for messing you around still. The website is indeed 100% clean and is currently being monitored a few times every day to ensure we stay that way. Google have finally cleared the website for general consumption but for some reason will not clear from their own blacklist the preferred domain name which appears on our advertising and inserts. Apologies to everyone who’s still receiving warnings from Google – we’re good to go and will speak personally to Google when they finally show themselves!!
Interesting to see the adults still sitting here, with no egg in sight.
Many thanks for the update. We thought you’d taken the camera offline when the third egg was lost! I’m pleased to hear that this is considered to be early in the season so I can continue to keep my fingers crossed for a second clutch.
Take care of yourselves!
yes, cant wait to see. swift is sleeping in nest box now, nice to find here there
Thanks again for the update, Scott. Glad to hear you’re back on board! And here’s hoping for a 2nd clutch for Swift & Beau. Of course we’ll stick with the Orange, NSW PF Project. No worries about that. 🙂
Is Swift’s continued use of the box a good indication that she’s planning to lay more eggs? Or does she just find it a convenient place to roost?
As far as I know, Clare, Swift just plain likes to hang out in the nest box, whether she’s laying eggs & incubating or not. 🙂
Thanks, Kathy. I wish we knew if mating is going on.