Apologies to all viewers about the warnings coming through most browsers over the last couple of days. We were hit by some malware over the weekend which has now been successfully removed. At this stage Google is still reporting the site as infected but we’ve run the website through various cleaning packages, including an extensive page by page manual code check, and have also implemented some anti-malware plug-ins to prevent this happening again. We’ve also run a check to see who’s still blacklisting the website and it’s just Google left to review settings now.
Rest assured this has been a scare for us too but we’ve stepped up our monitoring and security levels. We can’t of course guarantee we won’t be hit again in the future but we’ll be more ready for those turkeys (had to find a bird pun there!).
We’re also looking at upgrading the look of the website so keep an eye out ….
And now for a little real peregrine information – a very excited Snow was seen flying closely with Swift this afternoon in the blustery weather. Snow is getting stronger by the day and is certainly keeping up with mum as they sailed and swooped together across campus and around the Concrete Hilton. It’s all part of the training regime for a young peregrine.