Sad news, caught on camera yesterday at 3.24pm(AEST), when video and pics show the loss of one of our precious eggs. Beau had been sitting for quite a while, when Swift arrived back. But as Beau got up to vacate the scrape, one of the eggs somehow adhered itself to his chest and the following pics show him leaving with the egg well & truly stuck. One guess is that it was already cracked and leaked on him, to cause the adhesion. Swift didn’t seem at all perturbed by the change in roll call but it’s a sad moment for all of us. The brief video clip of Beau’s inadvertent egg theft can be seen here …
Apologies again for the inconsistent video streaming from the nest camera. We’re pretty sure it’s a bad combination of latest software versions for our VLC, Flowplayer and Flash versions on some platform, because almost frustratingly, all ongoing tests using an Android phone have been 100% successful, and sometimes we can get streaming via the likes of Safari etc, but Firefox seems to halt now? We’re looking at alternative streaming technologies (on a budget) to get us through this vital period. Bear with us for now…….
I’m mainly using Chrome to watch the cam(s) and I have problems getting it to stream too.
Many times it needs a lot of refreshing to get it going, sometimes even that wo’t help.
System info at my end:
OS: Windows7 Ultimate
Connection: ADSL
Browser: Chrome
Very sad to hear of the loss of one of the eggs, since there were only 2 this season. Here’s hoping for the best possible outcome for the remaining egg, Scott & Cilla.