A day out for the Project

Today’s display at Orange’s Experience Orange! Expo went very well with plenty of interest and a really big crowd for Orange passing through! Congratulations go to the organisers for a wonderful event, plenty of variety and a great show of local special interest groups etc from the region. Thank you also to our colleagues from Nature Conservation Trust for allowing us to hitchhike at the end of their stall. There’s a good element of commonality between us. Thanks Denise (NCT) for covering during a lunch break and thanks go also to FalconCam Project‘s No.1 ticketholder, Lydie Howard, for joining us over most of the day & providing good sales skills, good buying skills and some amusing bouyancy to the stall! Finally thanks go to all those who donated and/or supported us today – great to field your questions and good to gauge local interest.

Solo, Swift, Beau, Migii and the three chicks from last season were quite the stars and our DVD and video clips kept everyone interested, with lots of passers-by telling us they’ve been watching over the last 4 years.


One thought

  1. Congratulations on a successful display at Experience Orange! Expo. The pictures of all of you are most appreciated. Many thanks for your committed stewardship of this peregrine family and the nest!

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