Apologies for the lack of posts lately, but all back on board again for the long haul through ’til next year!
I arrive at campus this morning after another 2–3 days of wet and windy weather. Today’s forecast is for rain and wind gusting up to 55km/hr (35mph) so it’s not ideal peregrine flying or hunting weather. So far no sign of the birds, and no doubt they’re laying low to avoid being blown away, unless they’re already scattered.
First signs of life we’ll let you know …
Last week in Melbourne I met up with our future camera and software provider. A fruitful meeting and was given a much better understanding of the potential of the equipment that we’re currently looking at. Thanks very much Basil!!

WooHoo! Hence, further fund-raising/donations are sought to assist in acquiring this new technology; no doubt. How exciting!
It’d be fabulous to see it installed and proven prior to the next breeding season. Then the entire globe can have a gander at will (‘Big Brother’ style) at the ‘goings on’ in the ‘Hilton boudoir’. So much to learn…and lots to do Scottee! Good going..