More videos available from the eyrie. The first one is of Swift spending some time back home again. She still doesn’t seem convinced by the camera window, even though it’s pitch black behind the camera, but appears to be happy with the other features and furnishings.
The second video is of Solo enjoying a good lunch with a little more action near the end of the clip when she finishes and heads over to the ledge once more. She’s spent most of today trailing the skies behind both parents who look like they’re acting as glider tugs. Solo has clocked up the miles today in between rain showers.
Thank you so much for the videos of Swift and Solo, just made my day! Good to see our girl eating!
thank you for the new Solo and its parents.Bien residing in Quebec that Canada is with pleasure that I am interested in them …. To see Solo evolve is very interesting
Thank you for the latest videos, a joy to watch!!
Loved seeing these newest videos! Great to see an almost all grown up Solo back in the nest box! My Kinderchicklets will not believe that is Solo!