It’s night time now and Solo is still in the eyrie on her 43rd day. After all the efforts and calling from both parents, especially Swift, she just wouldn’t leave and it seems her lack of confidence to make that daring first jump is over-riding her desire to get out in to the nearby trees. First thing this morning she looked ready to go but as the day wore on she seemed to lose that enthusiasm.

The following video clips show some stern interaction with Swift, Solo appearing to feel quite skittish about her mother staring her down. It didn’t work. First video and second video of Solo and Swift.
We await tomorrow morning ….
I think having siblings gives them confidence and of course there is the whole competitive thing as well. Females do fledge later though and given they are larger and weigh more – it makes sense. She’ll go when she’s ready or hungry enough 🙂 Can’t say I really blame her for’s a long drop!
I would like to congratulate you all for your comments almost daily, I have only just found your site in the last month, once you get hooked on watching these beautiful birds you can’t get anough info about their progress and it is great to get the reports, pics and videos you give.
I have previously watch Frodocam in Brisbane but due to the heat and openness of the ledge they found somewhere else to go. Alcoa falcons have not found the relocated pink box, so nothing to see there, so thank you again for the wonderful job you do.
I hope more people donate to help with your Web Cam.
Hi Nancy,
Thanks very much for your kind words, glad the website is providing some viewing pleasure for you and others. We certainly enjoy following these amazing birds and it’s very easy to become closely attached to them, even though they don’t realise it! You could never tell our attachment to them, when we’re out in the trees watching them, as both parents take great offence to us being there!
With some luck and planning (& funding!) we will hope to be able to bring live video streams to everybody before next breeding season.
Thanks again for your kind message and donation,