Little to report up the tower at the moment. The single egg is still looking good, and both parents are taking their shifts sitting. Plenty of scraping gravel to form the nest itself. We’ve noticed a broken piece of shell to the rear of the eyrie and can presume that’s from the second egg that was unfortunately crunched last week.
We’re still on track for a very early October hatching so we can but wait. In the mean time the Orange weather pattern has vastly improved, with days between 16-18degC, which will make it easier for impending chicks. We’re currently putting together a movie presentation of our progress over the last 4 years and are realising how much better the climate is at the moment. Last year, for the 3 hatchlings, it was in the high 30degC’s and impossible to get comfortable up top.
There’s currently more action out on the ledge:

Watching from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. As our chicks and parents are getting ready for their southerly migration, it’s nice to be able to check in on a “new” family. It may be “same old” but we can watch it over and over again! Cheers!
Hi Cooper,
Thanks for your interest from all the way up to the north! Hopefully we can provide some good further coverage to watch, while lots of the northern hemisphere birds head south for the season. We’re currently pushing for more funding & local donations here to enable us to offer live web-cam streams to a University web page soon. We can but try – it’ll fill in the seasonal gaps too!. Cheers, thanks again….. Scott…..