Parents are settling in

Today is the first full day with the new peregrine roost, much improved based on what we’ve learnt, much bigger and with increased cameras angles. Dad bounced upand in, almost by accident last night to find that the Backyard Blitz (TV show) had been in but it took until late this afternoon before we spotted mum a little happier to venture in and test the carpet, tentatively checking the gravel, scraping and rolling her body along, which should show positive results soon if she’s happy with our results. In the mean time dad has amused us by flying up and then stopping to stare at his feet for 30 seconds at a time, almost as if he can’t remember where he left his shoes!

It’s still very cold and soaking wet underfoot but given 50 meters altitude from the ground we should see them high and dry for this breeding season.

Footage of mum’s first recorded new roost trial run can be seen here … (4 mins 20secs long). This began with both birds on the ledge in their bowing routine before dad flew off and left mum to it, as seen.

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