- LIMERICKS (Apologies to those who didn’t make the cut! It was a very hard decison!).
abcaye mich: For @Cilla, the Dave’s and the crew, we all are indebted to you. For all of the hours, the woods you have scoured, please know all our thanks here are TRUE
JoyceG: When a juvie lays like a loaf/One might think it’s lazy as an oaf/But juvies are busy/Making us dizzy/And they need the rest to promote growth
Michelle H: There once was an educated bird/ At uni he was often observed / to lay by the ledge / Until he could fledge / A pancake position preferred.
Rebecca Ford: There is a young tiercel named Rubus, whose antics enthral and move us, he plays hide and seek, gone for a week, laughs, ‘why can’t you find me, you doofus?’
Rosie: There was a young falcon called Rubus; Feisty but not full of hubris. He perched on the ledge almost ready to fledge, then thought, “I’m not sure I’m ready to do this”!
Sian P: There was a young falcon called Rubus. Whose job was to tease and confuse us.Is it him or not Does it matter a jot His job is to grow and then leave us
Subepa58: There once was a falcon from Orange, who was King over all of his range. The starlings, who lived there, were caught in his grip there, and became his ‘starling a la’orange’.
Teyehmar: Our Indi’s a spiritual bird/for hours he will say not a word/his pose “downward fledgeling”/he’s become quite an edgeling/…but this is just way too absurd!
G-Anna: There was a young falcon called Rubus whose character really moved us. Then one fateful day something got in his way. Now he rests near a nice bush called Rubus.
Rebecca Kinnison: Prince Rubus once fell from the tower/His watchers did search by the hour/ And Daves, Cilla, and Shines kept looking for signs/ As Diamond looked on with a glower.
Moyra Louise: “Rubus has a lot of pluck/his call could never be mistaken for a duck/we think it was him flying/it’s making us all feel like crying/have fingers crossed for good luck”
Anon: There is a falcon, called Diamond, Who is a jewel, just like the diamond./ She’s the best mother, ever, So stern, and so clever Her chicks all respect her forever.
An ode to Rubus by Michelle Hamill
(After 'The Man from Snowy River' by Banjo Paterson)
There was movement at the nest box, for the word had passed around That the chick from Di and Xavier'd flown away, And tried to join his brother, but tumbled t'wards the ground And a thousand keyboard warriors joined the fray. Some said the wind had taken him, some said he meant to fly, One thing they all agreed: that he was gone. He was on the ledge a-wingers and in the blinking of an eye Empty was the nest box in the sun. Then the call rang out 'Call Cilla! Quick, call Dave!' As the chatters filled with wonder and despair. And names in blue all tried to calm the scrolling, trembling wave Of disbelief, that Rubus had taken to the air. Into the dusty scrape, as the screenshots start to fly Came Diamond then, to still the panicked chat. She strode across the pebbles with a quiet and fearsome eye And seemd to know just where her chick was at. But after a few hours (that seemed to us like days) Word came forth the absent chick was found. He'd flown up to a pine tree and looked a little dazed But at least he wasn't sitting on the ground. And the parents dipped and soared, screaming death upon the wing To anyone who dared approach the chick. But the trees were little shelter with the wind that howled and sang For the searchers hoping for some news, and quick. Then tomorrow-day a shines came, with Dave and Dave (and Dave) to find him misadventured by the road. They wrapped him in a towel and the eyas then was saved And in a nearby tree was safely stowed. So now it's time for Rubus, that feisty noisy lad To learn to swiftly fly, and hunt and kill. To be a fearsome falcon like his inimitable dad To take the air and master every skill.
On a quiet and sunny morning, they found him still and cold. His feathers dry and brittle, his voice no longer bold. Rubus' last adventures, we'll never know or view. But his memories fly before us; His wingbeats sure and true.
Sandra from Italy.
Sono il piccolo Rubus, un miracolo, una speranza, una promessa quando ormai sembrava non ve ne fossero. Ho riempito il mio nido di forza e la forza della vita è stata la mia canzone, e il caldo abbraccio di Indaco il centro sicuro del mio piccolo mondo. Sono il piccolo Rubus, e come un dolce ladro ho rubato i vostri cuori quando sono andato, le vostre paure e speranze a sorreggere le mie ali incerte. Sono il piccolo Rubus, e un grande fiume di lacrime ha accompagnato la mia anima nel luogo dove tutto inizia, dove tutto sempre ritorna, dove tutti ci ritroveremo. Sono il piccolo Rubus. | I’m little Rubus, a miracle, a hope, a promise when it seemed there weren’t any. I filled my nest with strength and the force of life was my song, and the warm embrace of Indigo the safe center of my little world. I’m little Rubus, and like a sweet thief I stole your hearts when I went, your fears and hopes to support my uncertain wings. I’m little Rubus, and a great river of tears accompanied my soul in the place where it all begins, where everything always comes back, where we will all meet again. I’m little Rubus. |
Robin and Cindy Lee:
Rubus our sweet little falcon, Why did you leave us so soon?
Your parents made you so welcome, And Indigo too made room.
We watched you grow up daily, So loved & so well fed
A gorgeous little fluff ball, With big eyes & a wobbly head
You adored your older brother, And wanted to play & play
And then you began to get clever, And learnt how to pinch his prey
We could talk about you forever, Though only known you a while
What a precious & special treasure, You have always made us smile
Now forever gone from sight, Our memories we hold dear
Within our broken hearts we know, Your face is ever clear.