For the first time that I can remember, I have the whole family on the roof. This was just half an hour ago. Not much of a photo of the four of them, but does provide some evidence that we can say that the fledge was successful. It takes quite a strong juvenile to fly all the way up to the top of the tower.

And shots from earlier. The first is (I think) Budhin after a rather crash land on the slope of the roof. The second photo shows Gamma (I think) preparing for take off.

Very good news, this successful fledge from both juveniles. Thanks for this confirmation.
Thanks Cilla for the great news and pictures of juveniles. They made it!
What wonderful news! The whole family on the roof at once? That’s brilliant 1) They all found each other already, and 2) both juveniles have the oomph to get all the eway up to the roof *happy dance*.
They’ve been providing cam watchers with plenty of noise as they call encouragement to each other, ha ha, and aerobatic displays during their flight school sessions today. I bet they’ll sleep well tonight!
Thank you so much for the updates and the photo’s Cilla. The juveniles are doing really well
Diamond & Xavier have done a wonderful job raising these two
Woohoo, gorgeous – all 4 on the tower !! – what a pleasure and a confirmation – Gaama and Budhin made it perfectly – a bow on Diamond and Xavier, you did a great job. I’m so happy.
Thank you very much Cilla for this message and these stunning pictures. They are beautiful. You made my day.
Absolutely thrilled that the family is complete. I’m still following round the clock (drop-outs permitting) and see that Di and Xav are visiting daily but haven’t managed to spot an eyas at the scrape yet… I saw no attempted prey-drops yesterday, so the kids are obviously being tended where _they_ choose 😉