It looks like the power pole has done more damage than a simple power outage and both the streaming servers and the recording software have been damaged, although the computers themselves are still functioning. Scott is burrowing away trying to fix things. He did get the streaming server going for a while, but I believe that’s out again too.
Meanwhile, I will keep an eye out for our youngsters in the field, which I love anyway ……just wish I had more time.
Here is a rather fuzzy picture of Marragaay at sunset last night and Bali the day before on the tower.

If anyone has information about who has been using the box, particularly at night since my last recording: 5 pm on Tuesday, I would be grateful, as I’m pretty sure all the data since then has been irretrievably lost.
The weekend is forecast to be wet, so probably no more updates until Monday. Many thanks for all your support, donations and comments.
I should mention, too, that I gave a talk to Rotary a week or two ago and they are giving us $200 towards a platform to be erected outside the box to provide a bit more space for flap practice (hopefully, not falling through the gaps). Just need to come up with a design that can be effected inside the box, to avoid the cost of a large cherry-picker!
Thanks for the pics, Cilla. The kids look great. Is it silly for me to say that I think Marragaay looks like Diamond? Good luck fixing the outage.
Crikey – what a disaster! (but I guess it could’ve been so much worse…) I have my fingers and toes crossed that things are fixable!
Inordinate screeching going on at the tour about an hour ago – suspect Bali and Diamond, but too quick for me!