CSU is undertaking a major upgrade of networking infrastructure, and this will affect our cameras this afternoon – about 3pm (AEST) for downwards of an hour (hopefully!) – so we apologise for the downtime, in advance! Both our HD cameras are run using PoE (“Power over Ethernet”) technology, meaning we don’t need a separate power supply to each one. They both run off power supplied by the data cable, which means we can position cameras further away from the power source if required. Our PoE switch that connects the two cameras to the network is being swapped out for a brand spanking new CSU PoE switch, so there will be one less link in the chain, and both cams will become more controllable, without the need to ascend the Concrete Hilton to make hardware repairs or reboots. Thanks again Luke B (CSU Bathurst) for your help and advice; you’re a star!

NEWS BREAK!! – network upgrades didn’t go so well today and after a few tests they opted to back out. More changes tomorrow which will hopefully finish off the job for us – thank you Luke (how DID you sprain your ankle?!) and Harrison…
6:09 Diamond & Xavier, youtu.be/uMLuj61MncY
Lovely clip Arjen – at about 1:11 or so it looks as if they’re dancing!
9:12 Diamond & Xavier, youtu.be/5G2jjoTicf4
In the Netherlands we have snow today, but in Orange it was 39° C.
Xavier in 39° C, youtu.be/BN7MGqPXtgg
Thank goodness things have cooled down a bit now – it must’ve been so uncomfortable in Orange. No fires out your way, I hope. Have been keeping an eye on the RFS maps – Manildra & Cumnock fires no threat to you I hope.
It actually reached 40 in Orange on Saturday (a record) and our bags were packed, ready to evacuate, but fortunately the only fire near us was put out very quickly. Our birds seemed to weather the weather very well; in fact Xavier was flying into the box at 1 pm on that record-breaking day.
I lost about 8 hours data, but not too bad and I’ve finally caught up.