As the ledge camera is not talking to the recording software, I sometimes cannot tell whether the ledge is simply ’empty’ or whether a bird is sitting facing inwards (so I can’t see the tail). In daylight, I can usually see a shadow to denote presence.
Did anyone notice whether Diamond was on the ledge anytime between 7.01 pm and 9 44 pm on the night of 29th August ie last night? I can’t see a tail, but it is most probably that she was on the ledge as night flying is unusual, although by no means impossible. Your help would be much appreciated
At least the nest camera is going well and that is where most of the action is; let’s hope for an egg or two more in the next few days. Here she a few minutes after laying, almost squishing new egg!
Most prey recently has been either unrecognisable (plucked, dismembered and headless!) or starlings, although a tiny pardalote was brought in one day. More rain is forecase, so wish him luck with his hunting.

Hi Cilla,
I had a look last night – not terribly sure of the time but I was in bed by about 9.30, so it was within the time frame you mentioned. Diamond was on the ledge when I started watching and she took off into the darkness (around 9ish?) I waited a while for her to come back, then gave up.
9.27pm Thurs — egg number 3!
Oh such good news Sue. Anytime I’ve had the opportunity to check, Diamond has been firmly planted on the eggs. Thank you!
Yippee!! I saw 2 eggs at about 4pm and then no signs whenever I tuned in … so glad!! Can we do one more please?? Haa!!