After a week of frenetic activity, much bringing to and fro of prey (mostly starlings), with Bula occasionally forgetting to give it to Diamond, and Diamond being very understanding, and Diamond starting to lie in the scrape at night and with the interaction between the two being much closer, finally we have a result. Born at 0137 last night (or perhaps slightly earlier, obscured by her tail) a lovely, healthy looking egg.

thanks for all your alerts. I’m tied up with a landcare conference this week, who, coincidentally, will be including our peregrines on one of their tours, so will be out at the university tomorrow – with Scott and I giving them a talk and a squiz through the scope.
Although I’m not quite up to date with the data capture, I notice she has already started incubating a bit. I hope that doesn’t mean this will be the only egg. By the size of her bum, I doubt it.