No actual news as yet. I’ve been looking at the tapes and have noticed when the adults have left with food (a good sign) and tried to focus on that area when we have been out searching. But the adult birds, despite clearly seeing me/us have not made a pipsqueak (a bad sign). I have spent hours walking right around the campus on my own and with friends and colleagues (even bringing in my dogs last night (on leads, of course), which I thought provoke the adults into attacking, but they scarcely turned a hair.
Going through the tapes of Saturday when the accident happened, I noticed that Aspro had a good feed (perhaps an eastern rosella) an hour beforehand and during that day there were several periods of major strong wingflaps around the box (another good sign).
I was also able to catch Aspro standing right on the ledge so I could measure her and she is definitely a she, almost as tall as Swift, but much slighter, of course.
Again, thanks to those who have sent words of encouragement (and particularly to Yvonne for the tape of one of the exits). I apologise for not doing an update yesterday as promised, but I had nothing but bad news to report and was hoping that looking at more of the exits and landings might help.

Hello, I am sending you my video. See where Beau flies. Maybe it’s a clue
20/11 9.19- 9.56 am
Beau next visits (Four ) departures and returns
Hi Cilla
Many thanks to you all for keeping us updated on the thread. Has there been any sighting of Aspro at all?
Please can you advise if there are any other Peregrines nesting nearby or on your campus.
Best regards
Thanks for the update, Cilla. I’m watching Swift in the box at the moment – she seems to be quite excited (or agitated) and is shouting regularly. I don’t know what that might signify.
I know of a few other peregrines around, but no pairs close. There’s a pair just south of Orange in a gravel quarry (about 6 km away), under threat of housing development; one at the Federal Falls at Mt. Canobolas (20 km); and there used to be a pair at Borenore Caves (a limestone area) about 20 km away, but I think the climbers disturbed those. Otherwise you have to go to Nangar National Park and Winburndale, both > 100 km away. Of course, there are sightings of birds closer, but not of pairs, to my knowledge.