Aspro has been showing some aggression over food and in this instance won a battle with Swift over a tempting morsel. I’ve noticed that food bringing has already started to slow, so the chick is probably getting a bit hungry. Aspro is certainly making short work of any food coming his/her way (tending to her, based on size).

Aspro has left the nest, but from what I read on the BCAW forum, it may not have been voluntary but rather due to a gust of wind.
Swift is sleeping in her usual corner, she doesn’t seem to be upset. That can mean two things, either Aspro is okay, sitting somewhere nearby on a branch perhaps and Beau is watching over or she/he is no longer alive. I really hope it is possible for people at the site to go out and look for her as soon as it’s light again.
Aspro is 38 days old – is that too young to fledge? I hope s/he is OK. I was very surprised to see Swift alone in the box!
Just a bit too young to fledge but by only a few days. Typical is +/- 42 days old. I am sure Aspro was strong enough & developed enough to safely fly / glide to safety. We have seen this scenario many times with our Pefa baby’s here in Canada with a 100% success ratio. But we will keep our talons crossed anyway. Good Luck little Aspro.
Has anyone spotted Aspro yet?
Much anxiety amongst us watchers in the UK and the US. Unfortunately I couldn’t cover the crucial period. I do hope that Cilla will have time to review the footage soon and that a search party is already on the job.