Thanks to Clare for alerting me to a bumper food day this morning. So much in fact, that after Beau brought in a whole adult starling (probably pretty tough) it was left untouched by any of the birds for quite a well – EXCEPT for the fact that Aspro decided it needed brooding and sat on it for over six minutes before shifting away a bit. Admitted everyone was recently fed, but I was curious to see that when Beau brought in another prey item, which looked like a pigeon (though I can’t be sure), Swift arrived, snatched the prey and fed Aspro and also tucked in herself. Later she left the nest-box with the starling, presumably to be eaten in the relative peace and quiet of the roost tree.

Strange behaviour indeed, Cilla. Perhaps Aspro is female and practising for the future?
By the way I’ve frequently wondered why the cams don’t come complete with sound. Is it due to there being no way of having a mike the birds can’t get to?