Some very promising signs in the eyrie this afternoon. With one or both peregrines hanging around the tower all day there seems to be a growing interest in each other right now. Caught just a few minutes ago the pair bowing in the scrape! Video clips will be going back up soon…

That’s great, Scott! I didn’t know the bowing was part of the courtship – I thought it was Swift showing she was the more dominant bird!
I can see myself learning quite a lot this season.
Many thanks for keeping us up to date.
A full two minutes of bowing-bonding session just before daycam
Plus some irresistible preening.
Wonderful news about the pair bowing! Here’s hoping for more eggs in the not too distant future.
do we have an egg?? or just sleeping on the nest? 6:28 am on the 21 of oct?
just resting. no egg
2013-10-24 12:28:00 Still no egg.
she is spending much time here or at the ledge.