With only 2-4 days days left before wanting to spread wings and experience the big scary outside world Snow is becoming restless. All campus residents and staff are now on alert, in case we have a recalcitrant fledgling shortly. Soon as we see Snow go we’ll be out making sure all’s well! An exciting moment, but also a sad one as we watch another young’n head for the big wide world.

More video clips to come shortly. We used to think our Snow was quite serene but we seem to have caught a few “big brother” moments where serenity has been a long way from Snow’s developing mind (& claws!). It could also be why Swift is spending less time in her (recently unusual) habit of snoozing in the eyrie alongside Snow, and is now more up on top of the tower.
We’re making the most of our time with Snow but those on campus will no doubt still be able to enjoy the goings-on outside in the trees as the new capability of flight becomes a new toy, and how trees work, and how much easier it’s become to annoy mum and dad for food!
Snow has grown SO FAST! I am enjoying watching her change day to day, and am anticipating her launching herself into the safe environment of the campus. Many thanks!!