Swift has returned today for a stint up the tower in the late afternoon sun (see below) with some time on the eyrie ledge – the best view in Orange. The task to clean out the eyrie and replace gravel will happen over the next few days when we can pick a moment when the occupants are away, and before the forthcoming breeding season. Checks on cameras and equipment will also be made, and progress is now underway to negotiate live video out through CSU’s firewalls as well. Stay tuned! We’ve also been testing some clever software to allow us to send news posts & comments via mobile phone so with some luck we can keep you up to speed during the Field Days shortly.

Preparations are also going ahead for Mudgee in a couple of weeks, with some new video loops and updated merchandising lines. If you can get to Mudgee Small Farm Field Days come looking for us in the Founders Pavilion, alongside Nature Conservation Trust!
(Ed. note) Note the wrapped wiring around the antenna cable – a few years ago there was a cover over the microwave dish but some local vandals – a flock of sulphur-crested cockatoos – managed to dissect the cover and mangle the cable in short time, effectively knocking out external communications from campus (at that time). It was a terrified pair of technicians suspended in a tiny cherry picker, 50 metres up, on an overcast and strong, gusty day attempting to patch things up! The now unused dish is a convenient resting location in the afternoon sun.