Solo has spent a fair bit of today up on the ledge which she should remember so well. The odd flight down into the trees but not much further afield and time for a snooze again, on a wonderfully sunny and warm Orange spring/summer’s day. As our wonderful commenters have said, it’s great that she’s happy to spend time with our cameras.

I’m glad she’s spending time at home so we can see her! Lovely to see her enjoying the sun and relaxing!
hey scotty. can you please tell me when you will have the live video cameras working on the website
Hullo Goosewoman (who I strongly suspect is a relative of mine from overseas!),
Good question about the live cameras. Right now the equipment we’re using won’t allow us to feed live video streams on to a web page, and all photos and video must be snapped & recorded manually. The objective of our current fundraising push is to exactly this end – replace current cameras with professional quality versions, install a software package which will not only allow us to monitor and record (24/7) for research and study but also to provide suitable video streams that can then be embedded into a web page, and all on to Project-dedicated computer equipment. We also have the issue of fitting in with University’s requirements to be able to bring a new website to you but also one which will allow those live video streams. We have a couple avenues to follow, but rest assured as soon as we can configure all the above we’ll be bringing world-class data and imagery to you all. Thanks to a growing number of generous sources our fundraising push is well on the way. Thanks, Goosewoman!
It’s nice to see Solo back in the nest. I’m looking forward to your commentary as you observe her learning flight maneuvers and gaining hunting skills. But for now, what a beautiful falcon, snoozing in the sun.
Mick and Carly,
I think I’ve mentioned it before, and it may well be a “step-grandparent” thing, but we think Solo, her parents and her older siblings, are the most wonderful creatures and we still believe we’re so privileged to be a part of their lives, even though they probably don’t realise it! Even better that we can bring this website and all we can find to the site’s viewers.
At any opportunity we get we’ll be out there with cameras, binoculars and scopes to follow Solo’s progress. We have a couple of technical improvements to be undertaken over the coming months so stay tuned.
sounds good scott. i am probably a relative from across the ditch. LMAO. Swift and Bleu are looking good.