Like many quiet days lately Solo has spent lots of time sleeping the hours away between feeds leaning over against the sloped flooring at each end of the eyrie. After disappearing for an hour or two the other day we found the chick had been snoozing underneath the cameras in the camera/s blind spot, but returned to sight, much to everyone’s relief.

Quite alarming to see, until one notices breathing and the odd movement in the cameras. It happens a lot and without Beau and Swift (or other siblings) its understandable behaviour, but we’re still weary of our charge. It’s not through a lack of food as the meals are still coming quite regularly and growth and stature are on track.
On Day 29 we’re still looking at approximately 10–13 days before any attempts at fledging will occur (we hope!), presuming Solo is female going by current size against both parents.
We’ve added a link to our fellow peregrine falcon watchers’ forum in Manitoba, Canada. Thanks to Kinderchick and the Kinderchicklets for the link – we’ll be watching with enthusiasm!